
Generation of Self-Employment in rural areas: Providing employment is not only the task of the Government, it is also a social obligation. Getting an employment is not easy. It is always good to be self-employed, thus NCT has adopted the motto “Development through Self-employment”. And it is intended to raise the income-generation capacity of target groups among the poor. The target group consists largely of small and marginal farmers, agricultural laborer’s and rural poor artisans.

Women Empowerment: The women mass of the rural population is a very weak section of the society. Their lack of education hinders their development. NCT believes in creating an environment through positive economic development of women to enable them to realize their full potential So the women can become financially strong and independent, they can earn, support their family and live respectably. Apart from this NCT also believes in Building and strengthening partnerships with civil society, particularly women’s organizations so as to provide easy access to women to health care, education at all levels, career and vocational guidance. The only best means of earning a living is self-employment. Women empowerment also has its positive effects like child development, better education, lower infant mortality rate etc.

Tribal Development: Tribes are backward when compared to other ethnic groups of our country hence are considered the weaker section of the Indian society. As they live in most inaccessible, hilly, forest areas, there is less means of communication in tribal areas, lack of proper drinking water, illiteracy; inadequate medical facilities are some of the major problems. NCT has started working for Tribal and would like work for them to provide sustainable development through participatory approach for raising the productivity levels in agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry, cottage and small- scale industries etc., to improve the economic conditions and standard of living.

Natural Resource Management and environment: Today environment conservation and eco balance have become very serious issues. Widespread pollution, soil erosion, falling water levels, thinning flora and fauna etc. are issues to be addressed immediately and urgently. NCT aims at contributing towards betterment of environment through natural resource management. For this NCT believes in working in areas like watershed development, plantation of trees, honey processing, bio fuel development, utilization of fly ash produce by thermal power stations etc.

Rural Development and welfare of farmers: NCT strongly believes that, Rural Development is the only solution for the better future of India. NCT strongly believes in Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of India’s Prosperity. Our country’s progress lies in the prosperity of villages. Hence NCT works for Rural Development particularly for rural women. Also since agriculture is the backbone of our economy, it is necessary that farmers become prosperous. Hence NCT works for farmers by giving them training in latest farming techniques, organic farming, alternative income sources, formation of farmers’ SHGs and their federations in order to create unity at the times of crises in agriculture etc.

Health and sanitation: Sanitation in India continues to be inadequate despite longstanding efforts both by governments and NGOs. Most of the rural population still lack access to improved sanitation. NCT believes that better sanitation in rural areas leads to better health hence we believes in providing strong basic health facility via Rural Sanitation. Open defecation is a concern for our country. NCT aims and is committed to support the rural families in construction of toilets. In addition to this we also believes other health facilities like AIDS awareness camps, family planning programmes, women and child health care, eradication of malnutrition, pulse polio drive, de-addiction, blood donation camps etc.

Rural Habitat: Shelter is one of the basic human needs. Over 70% of the Indian population lives in rural areas. Most of them do not have a comfortable dwelling. NCT aims at providing support to the rural poor through proper resources, for their need of constructing low cost houses.