Management & Decision making

In NCT, the Board of Trustees is the final decision making authority. The Trustees meet once in at least 2 months to review the on-hand projects / issues and take decision on any new projects / issues as per priority. All issues referred by the Governing body / Secretary who is a fulltime executive looking after day-to-day affairs would be discussed and decided over the meeting of Board of Trustees. Following is the details of meeting of Board of Trustees/Governing Body for the last five years.

1. Second Line of Management: NCT is governed by strong professionals at 2nd line of Management. Over a period of last 10-15 years NCT has developed a strong 2nd line of professionals with varied managerial and rural development skills. They manage various responsibilities at field as well as HO level.

2. This team of senior management meets once in 2 months and takes policy decisions and recommends the same to the Governing Body /Secretary.
3. External Advisors: NCT has a panel of external advisors, who are expert’s well-wishers of NCT. The panel consists of:

4. The Project Coordinators / In-Charges or the 3rd line of Management:
Every project in NCT is handled by an independent team of professionals who are experienced and qualified to handle the respective projects.

The Management structure can be shown in diagram as under:

Organogram of NCT: