For Individuals, Donation under Section 80G

Donate a Toilet:
It is known to all that, in spite of Government efforts and campaign for Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, there are still over 40% rural households without a toilet. Mainly families are not eligible for Government subsidy as they have already been given the same during the last 5-10 years but in reality the toilet is not in existence. Such families need to be supported. You can support construction of a toilet by donating Rs. 30000/- . The beneficiary family would put in around Rs. 4000/- and we would facilitate construction of a toilet; display a board outside it prominently mentioning your name. We would provide you the full details/photographs / contact of the family supported by you. You can support any number of toilets.

Support needy rural women to earn extra income through a small business:
Due to continued involvement in Self-help Group (SHG) and trainings, many rural women have become empowered and would like to support their families through small business as per their aptitude and funds available. These activities can be goat rearing, milk business, vegetable cultivation in a small portion of their land, vegetable vending, tailoring, a small daily-need shop etc. You can support such families with Rs. 40000/- full grant or even on principal returnable basis. The principal amount would be returned after 2 years. (If it is an interest free loan, NCT would charge a simple interest of 12% to meet the expenses of collection of EMI, follow-up, providing hand-holding etc.) We would provide you the full details / photographs / contacts of the families supported by you.

Bring happiness in a farmer’s life; support a farmer family for production of organic manure (Vermi compost and NADEP):
It is a known fact that today farmers are under distress. The main reason for the same is (1) Uncertainty of production as majority of farmers are dependent on rain (2) High cost of production (3) Low production due to rampant use of chemical inputs (4) Not having established channels for marketing etc. This situation can be gradually changed by more and more use of organic inputs and manures. Vermicomposting and organic manure prepared using NADEP (developed by Shri. Narayan Devrao Pandharipande) method. You can support the farmers for one set of Vermin compost and NADEP units. The cost of construction of these two structures will be Rs. 20000/-. The farmer would contribute Rs. 2000/- and you can donate Rs. 18000/- for one set of two units. You can support any number of farmers. We would establish these two units for any willing farmer. We will provide you the full details / photographs / contacts of the families supported by you.

Reduce Global-warming, contribute to climate change, Support a farmer family for installation of an environmental friendly Bio-Gas unit:
Domestic livestock such as cattle, buffalo, sheep and goats produce large amounts of CH4 as part of their normal digestive process. Also, when animal manure is stored, CH4 is produced. CH4 adds to global-warming. Globally, the Agriculture sector is the primary source of CH4 emissions. The CH4 (Methane) gas can be separated using a Bio-Gas unit and the same is used as cooking gas or for electrification. The manure without CH4 is a be very good organic fertilizer for agriculture. You can support a farmer family for installing a 100 CFT Biogas (or Gobar-Gas) unit with Rs. 40000/-. This would make 3 major positive impacts, (1) meet the cooking gas requirement of a rural farmer family (2) The cow dung (slurry) after separation of Ch4 is more useful for the fields. (3) Your contribution would make a positive impact on climate change. You can support any number of farmers. We would establish these two units for any willing farmer. We will provide you the full details / photographs / contacts of the families supported by you.

Light a home, support a rural family for solar lighting:
Approximately 500 million people in India's countryside still have no access to electricity. With no access to electricity people in rural areas use kerosene lamps at night for indoor lighting and for undertaking urgent family tasks outside the home. These kerosene lamps and lanterns use the heavily subsidized kerosene. These being some of the most polluting energy sources and the majority of rural homes being poorly ventilated, use of kerosene lamps poses an increased health hazard, causing respiratory and eye problems. Nageshwara charitable trust is initiating increased livelihood opportunities in remote, non-electrified villages of India that are not likely to get electricity from the grid by providing them Solar Home lighting system. You can also support poor families of such villages by supporting home lighting system unit. Cost of a home lighting system which includes 75 W Solar panel + 3 LED (Each of 7 Watt) + 1 DC Fan (10 Watt) + Battery is around Rs. 25000/-. You can light up homes of these families (mainly tribal) by donating Rs. 25000/- for a 3 bulb (LED) solar unit. We will provide you the full details / photographs / contacts of the families supported by you.

Help rural women in reducing her drudgery, support a smokeless-stove:
Over 90% of households in remote tribal villages use firewood for cooking. For fire wood the families are dependent on forests and this has led to deforestation posing threat to the environment. At the same time use of firewood leads to smoke while cooking. Generally the kitchen of a tribal family is a one small room without any ventilation. Continuous inhalation of smoke is a health hazard for the tribal women. NCT has installed over 10000 TERI developed improved and solar operated smokeless stoves in tribal households. This stove has been developed to fight the ill-effects of indoor air-pollution, a silent threat that is the cause of respiratory problems in many rural households of India. You can also support for such stoves by way of donating just Rs. 1500/- per stove. These stoves function on a solar operated fan and with better air supply. Also these stoves reduce the use of firewood by over 50% and the families can use small dry branches and also the farm waste. We will provide you the full details / photographs / contacts of the families supported by you.
Your generous donations can be remitted to the following dedicated bank account of the Trust.
Name of the Account: Nageshwara Charitable Trust
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Ramdaspeth, Nagpur
Saving Bank Account No: 31665192195