Water Resource Management an initiative for Climate Change mitigation

Water Resource Management an initiative for Climate Change mitigation
Low rainfall, high temperature, rugged and fragile terrain, high soil erosion rates due to rain water, short growing seasons and limited availability of suitable agricultural land leads to low agricultural productivity as well as scarcity of water. Water is also being consumed at a rate faster than the rate of replenishment. Since inception NCT has implemented Watershed Development Projects which harmonies the use of soil and water resources between upstream and downstream areas within a watershed toward the objectives of natural water conservation, increased agricultural productivity and a better standard of living for its inhabitants. NCT has implemented such 5 Watershed Development Projects in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh since 10 years with funding from NABARD's Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh Regional Offices. Corporate entities can support such Nobel initiative by supporting us for taking up watershed development projects. As per Government of India Guidelines, watershed treatment cost is Rs. 18000/- per hectr. This amount covers the soil conservation measures, drainage line treatment, training of the community, women empowerment etc. NCT has expertise and experience in successful implementation of watershed projects. Normally a watershed is implemented over a period of 3-5 years. After the completion or during the mid-term, the funding corporate entity can get the evaluation and impact study from any external agency.
Please see: https://www.nageshwara.org/wd.htm