Support to Farmers who are in distress

Support to Farmers who are in distress
Over 50% households of our country are directly and indirectly dependent on agriculture. But Indian farmers, especially small and marginal farmers are struggling to make both ends meet. According to India’s National Crime Records Bureau, since 1994, one farmer commits suicide in every 41 minutes. This happens because farmer takes loan for cultivation, cultivates in the absence of irrigation & modern farm facilities and technology. And when he sells the produce, the price of produce does not cover cost of input which was invested by the farmer for cultivation. NCT through NABARD supported Tribal Development programmes (TDF) made an effort to ensure the sustainable livelihood for tribal famers. NCT is working with around 22000 tribal farmers across the three states and making efforts to educate them in modern cultivation techniques, link farmers to govt. programmes, provide farm equipments, etc. Corporate entities can support small & marginal farmers on a community use basis by providing financial assistance for well construction (Rs.100 to 150 thousand), bore well (Rs. 100 to Rs. 120 thousand), pump-sets with plastic pipes (Rs.30 to Rs. 60 thousand) etc. It will be ensured that your support reaches poor and needy farmers by which he/she will able to increase production and improve his/her economic condition as well.