Light a home, support a rural family for solar lighting

Light a home, support a rural family for solar lighting:
Approximately 500 million people in India's countryside still have no access to electricity. With no access to electricity people in rural areas use kerosene lamps at night for indoor lighting and for undertaking urgent family tasks outside the home. These kerosene lamps and lanterns use the heavily subsidized kerosene. These being some of the most polluting energy sources and the majority of rural homes being poorly ventilated, use of kerosene lamps poses an increased health hazard, causing respiratory and eye problems. Nageshwara charitable trust is initiating increased livelihood opportunities in remote, non-electrified villages of India that are not likely to get electricity from the grid by providing them Solar Home lighting system. You can also support poor families of such villages by supporting home lighting system unit. Cost of a home lighting system which includes 75 W Solar panel + 3 LED (Each of 7 Watt) + 1 DC Fan (10 Watt) + Battery is around Rs. 25000/-. You can light up homes of these families (mainly tribal) by donating Rs. 25000/- for a 3 bulb (LED) solar unit. We will provide you the full details / photographs / contacts of the families supported by you.