Help rural women in reducing her drudgery, support a smokeless-stove

Help rural women in reducing her drudgery, support a smokeless-stove:
Over 90% of households in remote tribal villages use firewood for cooking. For fire wood the families are dependent on forests and this has led to deforestation posing threat to the environment. At the same time use of firewood leads to smoke while cooking. Generally the kitchen of a tribal family is a one small room without any ventilation. Continuous inhalation of smoke is a health hazard for the tribal women. NCT has installed over 10000 TERI developed improved and solar operated smokeless stoves in tribal households. This stove has been developed to fight the ill-effects of indoor air-pollution, a silent threat that is the cause of respiratory problems in many rural households of India. You can also support for such stoves by way of donating just Rs. 1500/- per stove. These stoves function on a solar operated fan and with better air supply. Also these stoves reduce the use of firewood by over 50% and the families can use small dry branches and also the farm waste. We will provide you the full details / photographs / contacts of the families supported by you.