Bring happiness in a farmer’s life; support a farmer family for production of organic manure (Vermi compost and NADEP):
It is a known fact that today farmers are under distress. The main reason for the same is (1) Uncertainty of production as majority of farmers are dependent on rain (2) High cost of production (3) Low production due to rampant use of chemical inputs (4) Not having established channels for marketing etc. This situation can be gradually changed by more and more use of organic inputs and manures. Vermicomposting and organic manure prepared using NADEP (developed by Shri. Narayan Devrao Pandharipande) method. You can support the farmers for one set of Vermin compost and NADEP units. The cost of construction of these two structures will be Rs. 20000/-. The farmer would contribute Rs. 2000/- and you can donate Rs. 18000/- for one set of two units. You can support any number of farmers. We would establish these two units for any willing farmer. We will provide you the full details / photographs / contacts of the families supported by you.