Corporate funding
Tribal Development Projects:
NCT has implemented 16 Tribal Development Projects for NABARD since 2008. One Project in Korchi Block of Gadchiroli District is being implemented. These projects are mainly land based livelihood projects with holistic approach. One acre of orchard with 60 grafts of a combination of Mango/Guava/Custard Apple / Amla / Lime would be established, along with support for fencing, soil & water conservation, water resource development, improved agriculture development, support to landless families, support for women development, SHG formation, health & sanitation and for Capacity building. Overall cost per family would be around Rs. 60000/- for a period of 5 years, which includes 25% management cost. The project would be implemented on cluster basis, with 500/1000/1500/2000 families, depending upon the availability of funding and cluster of tribal population of above 70-80%. The corporate bodies can achieve overall development of chosen villages in cluster.
For detail, please visit:
Rural Sanitation Programme:
NCT has supported over 12500 rural families in construction of Toilets since 2008, both under loan and grant model. The corporate can fund this initiative under grant basis like Care Today fund project being implemented by NCT for India Today group. Cost of each toilet would be Rs. 17000/-, in which the beneficiary family would put in Rs. 2000/- and can support Rs. 15000/- per toilet.
Please see:
Support to Farmers who are in distress
Over 50% households of our country are directly and indirectly dependent on agriculture. But Indian farmers, especially small and marginal farmers are struggling to make both ends meet. According to India’s National Crime Records Bureau, since 1994, one farmer commits suicide in every 41 minutes. This happens because farmer takes loan for cultivation, cultivates in the absence of irrigation & modern farm facilities and technology. And when he sells the produce, the price of produce does not cover cost of input which was invested by the farmer for cultivation. NCT through NABARD supported Tribal Development programmes (TDF) made an effort to ensure the sustainable livelihood for tribal famers. NCT is working with around 22000 tribal farmers across the three states and making efforts to educate them in modern cultivation techniques, link farmers to govt. programmes, provide farm equipments, etc. Corporate entities can support small & marginal farmers on a community use basis by providing financial assistance for well construction (Rs.100 to 150 thousand), bore well (Rs. 100 to Rs. 120 thousand), pump-sets with plastic pipes (Rs.30 to Rs. 60 thousand) etc. It will be ensured that your support reaches poor and needy farmers by which he/she will able to increase production and improve his/her economic condition as well.
Water Resource Management an initiative for Climate Change mitigation
Low rainfall, high temperature, rugged and fragile terrain, high soil erosion rates due to rain water, short growing seasons and limited availability of suitable agricultural land leads to low agricultural productivity as well as scarcity of water. Water is also being consumed at a rate faster than the rate of replenishment. Since inception NCT has implemented Watershed Development Projects which harmonies the use of soil and water resources between upstream and downstream areas within a watershed toward the objectives of natural water conservation, increased agricultural productivity and a better standard of living for its inhabitants. NCT has implemented such 5 Watershed Development Projects in Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh since 10 years with funding from NABARD's Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh Regional Offices. Corporate entities can support such Nobel initiative by supporting us for taking up watershed development projects. As per Government of India Guidelines, watershed treatment cost is Rs. 18000/- per hectr. This amount covers the soil conservation measures, drainage line treatment, training of the community, women empowerment etc. NCT has expertise and experience in successful implementation of watershed projects. Normally a watershed is implemented over a period of 3-5 years. After the completion or during the mid-term, the funding corporate entity can get the evaluation and impact study from any external agency.
Please see:
Your generous donations can be remitted to the following dedicated bank account of the Trust.
Name of the Account: Nageshwara Charitable Trust
Bank: State Bank of India
Branch: Ramdaspeth, Nagpur
Saving Bank Account No: 31665192195