Seeking Corpus Donation under CSR initiatives for implementing Social Development, Environmental protection / Climate change mitigation & adaptation Projects.

Nageshwara Charitable Trust (NCT) works in areas of rural women empowerment, rural livelihood, tribal development, farmers’ welfare, natural resource management, environmental protection, climate change mitigation and adaptation.

The Trust is working in some of the remotest and underdeveloped regions in 3 of central Indian states of Maharashtra (Vidarbha region), Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh.

In order to achieve its goals in rural and tribal development, NCT has been implementing various livelihood and income generating projects for NABARD, Tribal Development Department of Government of Maharashtra, certain big organizations (under their CSR initiatives) etc. As a token of appreciation of NCT’s work, NABARD has conferred best performance awards for three years 2007-08, 2008-09 and 20011-12.

In order to further work on its goals, NCT is planning on raising a corpus fund through donations by individuals as well as organizations under their CSR initiatives. The interest earned on the corpus fund would be reinvested in the social development, farmers’ welfare, environmental protection / Climate change mitigation and adaptation work, etc., undertaken by the Trust. NCT has the required experience and expertise to do so. It also has all the required permissions and registrations like 12A, 80G, FCRA, NGO-DARPAN, MCA-CSR registration etc.

We request you to contribute wholeheartedly towards the corpus fund of NCT. Your generous gesture will not only contribute to development but also help you in your CSR. Individual Donors get benefit of Section 80G.

Domestic Donations

International Donations